“Professor Layton” is a series of games in the puzzle adventure genre developed by Level-5 and Matrix Software.

In the following article we list and describe all Professor Layton Games in order of release. If you want to play this game series, we suggest you to follow the list below and start playing from the first one according to their chronological release.
Professor Layton and the Curious Village (2007)
This is the first entry into the popular Professor Layton series where you are tasked with the prospect of searching for a Golden Apple artifact within the unique location of St. Mystere where you will uncover the mysteries that lead to some valuable treasure.
It was first released on Nintendo DS in Japan and then later was expanded to the rest of the world with impressive results.
This is a unique puzzle adventure game that allows you to solve rewarding challenges in order to unravel the story and attempt to obtain the elusive treasure.
It has a unique appeal that is centered around this golden relic that has answers to hidden questions.
There is a good balance of adventure and thought-provoking puzzles that keep you engaged and wondering what will happen next!
Professor Layton and the Diabolical/Pandora’s Box (2007)
Join the Professor again to discover the mysteries behind a mysterious box that kills people according to legend if you open it.
This game expands a bit on the first one and gives you access to a variety of towns to explore.
There are many extra features and bonus puzzles to complete if you finish them all which makes for good replayability.
One notable feature of this game is the wonderful soundtrack that immerses you in the experience.
The second title was also for the Nintendo DS and it was rapidly sold in the UK at an impressive rate.
Join the inquisitive professor on another journey to discover an intriguing artifact where there are challenges in every corner.
This title gives you more features and breathing room to explore and thrive with an immersive plot!
Professor Layton and the Unwound/Lost Future (2008)
The Unwound/Lost future is another thrilling addition to the Professor Layton series with the same fun puzzles and adventure sequences that are memorable and challenging.
The citizens in the area will assign them to you and this will help you progress through the exciting story.
This title is unique in that it gives you access to some cool mini-games that will include even more puzzles.
The concept of time travel is introduced into this game which is an interesting twist. It was first released in Japan and then later came to the rest of the world.
It is an addicting experience that is accessible through the Nintendo DS so you can play it anywhere! This is actually a more convoluted title, but you can tell they sharpened the experience!
Professor Layton and the Last Specter/Specter’s Call (2008)
Dive into the lore of this series where you will take a step back and experience the development story of Professor Layton and his apprentice Luke Triton.
Here you will get some valuable information on how they met and what happened years prior to the first game.
This game also features an interesting role-playing element that wasn’t seen in the previous ones.
It was released in 2009 for Japan and during that week it was the most successful and best-selling game.
This game gives you the right amount of adventure and slows down the pace at times to solve a relaxing puzzle.
Each one is different, so you won’t have to worry about solving the same types of puzzles. The variety helps keep things fresh and they include brain teasers, sliding puzzles, logic, and even peg solitaire.
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask (2011)
Yet another wonderful Professor Layton game developed by Level-5 with stunning new puzzles and adventures to be enjoyed for the Nintendo 3DS system.
This is the second of the prequels to the original title and expounds upon the history of Professor Layton to give you a more well-rounded understanding of his origins along with other important characters.
Here you will uncover the truths behind a mysterious masked man who has been negatively influencing the area of Monte d’Or.
This is a fun plot because the masked Gentleman is apparently utilizing dark magic to corrupt the area.
It’s full of rewarding puzzles and many chapters that keep you engaged. It’s definitely a step up from the others being released on a more advanced Nintendo system.
Follow Professor Layton as he uncovers the meaning of the mask of chaos and the villain who wears it!
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room (2012)
This is an epic puzzle and adventure game that stays true to the roots of the Professor Layton series, but it’s important to note that it’s a spin-off.
Here you will traverse Scotland to shed light on the uncertainties through a prestigious crime investigation group known as the mystery room.
Here you will gain some neat story elements from Detective Lucy Baker. She works alongside another investigator called Alfendi Layton who has been showing signs of an identity disorder.
This fresh take on the series will give you a new outlook on the mysteries in the area as you explore certain murders and enjoy an engaging puzzle at different points. Here you will investigate and solve these crimes with unique character development and an excellent story!
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (2012)
This is a title that stands out in the series because it’s the first to introduce the concept of a visual novel in addition to the familiar adventure and puzzle elements.
It was developed by Capcom and Level-5 to ensure a unique and memorable experience.
Layton and Phoenix Wright are both tasked with following a mysterious little girl, but both are from their own perspective individually.
You will play as Professor Layton who is concerned with getting to the bottom of the mystery while searching for clues and solving the puzzles.
Wright has a different role which is to help defend certain women who have been placed on trial for supposed witchcraft.
Luke Triton is also featured in the game as the Professor’s trusty apprentice who aids him very effectively.
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy (2013)
This is a great title for the 3DS and is strictly a puzzle game. This is the last of the three prequel games and is the last game where he is featured as the active protagonist.
In this title, you will travel all around the world for a versatile puzzle experience with incredible graphics.
You will discover the mysteries surrounding the Azran civilization as you explore interesting areas within and beyond England.
There are many puzzles to solve that keep you interested with a wide variety of story elements that will keep you on the edge of your gaming chair.
Discover the secrets behind this intensely secret ancient race with the Azran Legacy that adds something different into the mix.
Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy (2017)
This is a highly accessible and fun game that is for Android, iOS, Nintendo 3DS, and even the Switch.
It is the most modern and fine-tuned title in the series as one would expect. Instead of Professor Layton, you take on the role of his daughter, Katrielle Layton.
She follows in the footsteps of her father in this title to solve important puzzles around London and there is no definitive narrative in this game.
Here you will witness good story development, but it’s all a setup for a cliffhanger at the end which means that we can expect another title soon.
Professor Layton has vanished in this mystery, and it’s up to you as his daughter to find out exactly what happened and reveal the hidden clues behind his disappearance!
Image Credits
By A promotional image distributed by Nintendo., Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=28488830
By Used as cover art for Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle., Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=30431703
May be found at the following website: https://www.amazon.com/LAYTONS-MYSTERY-JOURNEY-Katrielle-Millionaires-Conspiracy/dp/B0755KKXRK?th=1, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=57492079